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发布时间:2022-08-22      浏览量:











[1] Li Q, Legault V, Honfo S, Milot E, Jia Q, Wang F, Ferrucci L, Bandinelli S, Cohen A. Physiological dysregulation proceeds and predicts health outcomes similarly in Chinese and Western populations. [J]Journals of Gerontology: Series A Biological Science and Medical Science. 2024, 1;79(1).

[2]Li Q, Liu Q, Di J. The Impact of R&D Subsidies and Non-R&D Subsidies on Innovation Output of Biopharmaceutical Firms. [J]Science, Technology and Society. 2023, 28 (2).

[3] Li Q, Yu S, Echevin D, Fan M. Is poverty predictable with machine learning? A study of DHS data from Kyrgyzstan. [J]Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 2022,81.

[4]Li Q, Legault V, Girard V, Ferrucci L, Fried L, Cohen A. An objective metric of individual health and aging for population surveys. [J]Population Health Metrics.2022, 20(11).

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[6]Li Q, Yao X, Echevin D. How good is machine learning in predicting all-cause 30-day hospital readmission? Evidence from administrative data. [J]Value in Health.2020,23(10).

[7] Li Q, Larivée P, Courteau J, Couillard S, Poder TG, Carrier N, Bélanger M, Vanasse A. Greater eosinophil counts at first COPD hospitalization are associated with more readmissions and fewer deaths. [J]International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2019, 14.

[8]Barnwell J-L, Li Q, Cohen A. Effects of categorization method, regression type, and variable distribution on the inflation of type-I error rate when categorizing a confounding variable.[J]Statistics in Medicine. 2015, 34.

[9] Li Q, Wang S, Milot E, Bergeron P, Ferrucci L, Fried L, Cohen A. Homeostatic dysregulation proceeds in parallel in multiple physiological systems. [J]Aging Cell. 2015, 14(6).

[10] Li Q. Identifiability of mean-reverting measurement error with instrumental variable. [J]Statistica Neerlandica. 2014, 68(2).

