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发布时间:2022-08-23      浏览量:

周建力,1995年11月生,新疆伊犁人,管理学博士、副教授、硕士生导师。研究方向聚焦“双碳”目标下的能源管理与智能决策。在能源、电力领域国内外权威期刊上发表论文36篇,其中中科院1区TOP期刊论文24篇,Web of Science数据库H指数20,Scopus数据库H指数20。








2022.07至今 太阳成集团tyc7111cc副教授、硕士生导师








2023年受邀担任能源领域SCI期刊《Frontiers in Energy Research》客座主编,














(1)Zhou Jianli*, Liu Dandan, Sha Ru, Wang Yubao, Sun Jingbing, Wu Yunna. Geospatial simulation and decision optimization towards identifying the layout suitability and priority for wind-photovoltaic-hydrogen-ammonia project: An empirical study in China[J]. Energy, 2024, 286: 129489.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(2)Dong Haoxin*, Shan Zijing,Zhou Jianli, Xu Chuanbo, Chen Wenjun. Refined modeling and co-optimization of electric-hydrogen-thermal-gas integrated energy system with hybrid energy storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2023, 351: 121834.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(3)Zhou Jianli*, Tao Yao, Wang Yubao, Sun Jingbing, Wu Yunna. A three-stage geospatial multi-criteria optimization model for location identification of integrated energy service stations from macro market to micro site, Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 265: 115773.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(4)周建力,乌云娜*,董昊鑫,贺嘉明,许传博,高建伟.计及电动汽车随机充电的风-光-氢综合能源系统优化规划,电力系统自动化, 2021, 45(24):30-40.(卓越期刊,中文核心、CSCD、EI检索)

(5)Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna*, Zhong Zhiming*, Xu Chuanbo, Ke Yiming, Gao Jianwei. Modeling and configuration optimization of the natural gas-wind-photovoltaic-hydrogen integrated energy system: A novel deviation satisfaction strategy, Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 243: 114340.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(6)Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna, Liu Fangtong, Tao Yao, Gao Jianwei. Prospects and obstacles analysis of applying blockchain technology to power trading using a deeply improved model based on the DEMATEL approach, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 70: 102910.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI、SSCI检索)

(7)Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna*, Tao Yao, Gao Jianwei, Zhong Zhiming, Xu Chuanbo*. Geographic information big data-driven two-stage optimization model for location decision of hydrogen refueling stations: An empirical study in China, Energy, 2021, 225: 120330.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(8)Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna*, Dong Haoxin, Tao Yao, Xu Chuanbo. Proposal and comprehensive analysis of gas-wind-photovoltaic-hydrogen integrated energy system considering multi-participant interest, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265: 121679.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(9)Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna, Wu Chenghao, He Feiyang, Zhang Buyuan, Liu Fangtong. Ageographical information system based multi-criteria decision-making approach for location analysis and evaluation of urban photovoltaic charging station: A case study in Beijing, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205: 112340.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI、SSCI检索)

(10)Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna, Wu Chenghao, Deng Zhongqing, Xu Chuanbo, Hu Yong. A hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approach for performance analysis and evaluation of park-level integrated energy system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 201: 112134.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(11)Wu Yunna,Zhou Jianli*. Risk assessment of urban rooftop distributed PV in energy performance contracting (EPC) projects: An extended HFLTS-DEMATEL fuzzy synthetic evaluation analysis, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 47: 101524.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI、SSCI检索)

(12)Wu Yunna, He Jiaming, Liao Yijia, Tao Yao, Liu Fangtong*,Zhou Jianli*. A data-driven support system for the efficient schedule delay management of the ultra-high-voltage projects considering subjective risk preferences, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 91: 104448.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(13)Dong Haoxin*, Wu Yunna*,Zhou Jianli*, Chen Wenjun. Optimal selection for wind power coupled hydrogen energy storage from a risk perspective, considering the participation of multi-stakeholder[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 356: 131853.(中科院1区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(14)Xue Jingguo*, Hou Xueliang,Zhou Jianli*, Liu Xiaobing, Guo Yu. Obstacle identification for the development of pumped hydro storage using abandoned mines: A novel multi-stage analysis framework[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 48: 104022.(中科院2区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(15)Tao Yao*, Luo Xu,Zhou Jianli*, Wu Yunna, Zhang Lihui, Liu Yuanxin. Obstacle identification for the development of pumped hydro storage using abandoned mines: A novel multi-stage analysis framework[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 56: 105957.(中科院2区TOP期刊,SCI检索)

(16)Wu Yunna, Wu Chenghao*,Zhou Jianli, He Feiyang, Xu Chuanbo, Zhang Buyuan, Zhang Ting. A DEMATEL-TODIM based decision framework for PV power generation project in expressway service area under an intuitionistic fuzzy environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 247: 119099.

(17)Wu Yunna, Wu Chenghao*,Zhou Jianli*, He Feiyang, Xu Chuanbo, Zhang Buyuan, Zhang Ting. An investment decision framework for photovoltaic power coupling hydrogen storage project based on a mixed evaluation method under intuitionistic fuzzy environment, Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 30:101601.

(18)Wu Yunna, Yong Xingkai*, Tao Yao*,Zhou Jianli, He Jiaming, Chen Wenjun, Yingying Yang. Investment monitoring key points identification model of big science research infrastructures-Fuzzy BWM-entropy-PROMETHEEⅡmethod, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2022, 260: 101461.(中科院2区TOP期刊,SCI、SSCI检索)







